Build Your Knowledge Base

An intuitive platform for storing files, building, sharing, and managing documents, policies, and SOPs —all in one place.
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Knowledge Management
Create Documents
Create, share, and quickly find all your docs. From onboarding guides to SOPs in one intuitive Knowledge Library. Plus, our AI-powered tools and industry-proven templates get you creating fresh content quickly and confidently.
Upload Files
Unlimited file storage! Upload and share videos, photos, PDFs and more.
Manage Permissions
Keep your content secure. Our flexible permissions let you control exactly who can access your documents, ensuring only the right people see the right information.
Tags help you drill down within categories, finding what you need quickly and effortlessly. No more information overload – just the specific content you're after, right when you need it.
Verification Frequency
Add document verification frequency to ensure everyone knows what's trustworthy and up-to-date.
Ask questions, make suggestions, and discuss document content.
Search Docs & File Content
Global Search
Our intuitive search tool scans through posts, comments, course content, document content, and pdf content so you can quickly find answers you need to do your job.
Typo Tolerance
Typo tolerance allows users to make mistakes while typing and still find the records they're looking for.
Narrow down your search by using terms as filters instead of a search term.
IntegrationsIntegrated with the tools you know and love.
and many more!